Experimenting with Koheleth

A Text-Linguistic Approach to Reading Qohelet as Discourse, dissertation by Timothy Walton

Is it possible to analyze a text from Biblical Wisdom or Poetry as a discourse? Can this be accomplished by a systematic analysis of the linguistic features observed in such a text? Can we identify the linguistic features that are most effective in signaling to the reader the text’s syntactic relationships and cohesive ties which are often difficult to determine in non-narrative texts? If such an experiment proves successful, can this type of discourse analysis help us in answering the text’s most important interpretive questions? Experimenting with Qohelet: A Text-linguistic Approach to Reading Qohelet as Discourse seeks to answer these questions by applying a thorough text-syntactic analysis to the book of Qohelet. The approach described in this book simulates the reading process by first identifying the text’s various linguistic features and then determining the syntactic relationships and the discourse functions of the text segments, utilizing the computer programs developed by prof. dr. Eep Talstra and his colleagues in the Werkgroep Informatica of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. It was concluded that this type of text-linguistic analysis is not only necessary for proper exegesis but should be the initial step for all exegetical approaches to non-narrative biblical Hebrew texts.

Additional Info

  • boek_id: sup. 5
  • plaats: Maastricht
  • prijs: 7,50
  • status: Beschikbaar
  • pagina's: 209
  • isbn: 90 423 0276 3
  • jaar uitgave: 2006
  • uitgever: Shaker
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